
We’re a rag-tag group of cosplayers who love hosting panels in our own unique way. Our team has been together since March of 2015, and have since put together over 40 panels for audiences all over the board. We try and create content for a wide range of audiences, from kid-friendly panels to mature discussions on hentai and postfeminist theory. We know not everyone is into fandom culture, and we get that- we have a wide variety of panels, some of which are for fandoms like Homestuck or Pokemon, but some that are more overarching, broad topics related to the cosplay community. We aim to provide every single attendee at our panels with quality content that stays uniform, yet unique, from convention to convention. Just as we as convention goers travel from con-to-con, we know our attendees do to, and try and give them a familiar, yet new feel each time they come to one of our panels. Attendees will never come to a panel this year at LTU and see it the same way we hosted it last year. We try not to lecture on and on, and instead aim to give our perspective on topics and allow for our guests to participate and give their own perspectives as well. Most of all, we want to have fun. Panels aren’t interesting if there isn’t any fun to be had. We try and put on a bit of a stage appearance for our guests to feel like they’re being welcomed into our panel collective family, and hope they’ll continue to join us time and time again for new and fun panels. Our team has just recently expanded to 14 full time members including myself, with an auxiliary team located in Florida and Idaho, and our main team in the Midwestern US. Currently we are working with The Five Wits to bring product reviews and tutorials of some of the wigs that they sell.
Website: http://frickbuttstudios.wixsite.com/fbstudios/home