Colossalcon Karaoke

Colossalcon Karaoke is hosted by the MIC Group!
Colossalcon Karaoke is hosted by the MIC Group!

Looking to just have a good time singing some of your favorite songs with friends, or even strangers, in a judgment-free zone? Perhaps your preferred song isn’t allowed for our Idol competition (there’s a lot involved, trust us, we know!) or you want to sing, but you don’t want to compete? Then Karaoke is the place for you! This annual, multi-event block takes place Thursday, Friday, AND Saturday evenings for 4 hours each night, BUT WAIT, THERE”S MORE! We’re adding an 18+ session to Wednesday night to kick things off pre-con this year! Join us for just one session, all four, or anywhere in between and sign-up during the event to get on the mic and sing your heart out! (While Wed. night IS an 18+, [almost] anything-goes event, Thur/Fri/Sat ARE NOT 18+ and are still All-Ages events with a Language Warning. Please see our restrictions below for each night.) 

We’re ready to be here for a good time AND a long time, but only as long as everyone is willing to stick to our simple rules! Please see our full Karaoke Rules list for full details, but below is the quick version of our six primary rules:

  1. Respect the person who has the microphone as well as the sound equipment itself.
  2. Songs must follow All-Ages content guidelines, except language-use. Curse words are allowed, but no explicitly sexual, violent, or gory context. 
    • **18+ events allow for almost anything, except for heavy or offensive use of common slurs (including racial, ethnic, gendered, or others**
  3. Songs should be kept to a max of 5 minutes and additional signups should not be added until AFTER you’ve performed your current request.
  4. Have an alternative song in mind in case you are called up because we deem your song inappropriate.
  5. Limit the number of people coming up to and around our table by using our digitally-accessible options.
  6. All Colossalcon rules still apply during Karaoke hours.


If you need to contact us for any reason, we have several outlets of communication! The fastest way to connect with us is via email, but we also have a FaceBook and Twitter page, as well as a Discord server, where all of our participants, fans, and anyone else are welcome to chat about Karaoke, Idol, or any of our other potential programming! Links included below:


Social: FaceBook | Twitter | Discord Server